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DCAP Study

By January 28, 2022January 31st, 2022No Comments

Principal investigator: DCAP Study


Curriculum vitae

Orcid account and a full list of publications: 0000-0003-2536-3716

Main scientific partners

Sir Arthur Lewis Community College

Faces of Cancer Saint Lucia

African-Caribbean Cancer Consortium

Dr. Aviane Auguste

Dr. Aviane Auguste is a Saint Lucian Epidemiologist affiliated with the Vaughan Arthur Lewis Institute for Research and innovation (VALIRI). He earned a doctoral degree in Epidemiology from the Université de Rennes 1 in 2019 (Rennes, France). His research mostly involves Cancer Epidemiology and prevention. He is a member of the African-Caribbean Cancer Consortium AC3 where he co-leads the head and neck Cancer, working group.

His research at VALIRI aims to leverage the resources in Saint Lucia to create a laboratory in collaboration with the civil society to study Cancer prevention disparities among populations of African descent, and the specificities of insular health systems for chronic disease.

Relatively little is known on these topics and this work will not only help formulate innovative solutions for better population health in Saint Lucia but it will contribute to the knowledge base for similar populations internationally (under-resourced, isolated, uninsured, black, and hard-to-reach populations)

Research topics at VALIRI

Cancer prevention in under-resourced settings §Insular health systems for chronic disease 

Published Journals

Auguste A, Jones G, Phillip D, et al (2021) Difficulties in Accessing Cancer Care in a Small Island State: A Community-Based Pilot Study of Cancer Survivors in Saint Lucia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18:4770.

Conference Abstracts

65th Carpha conference 2021 (Virtual): Auguste A, Jones G. Description of the cancer health services in Saint Lucia: diagnosis and treatment and pathways (DCAP)

7th International AC3 conference 2019 (Kingston, Jamaica): Delannay L, Radix C, Phillip D, St.Catherine J, Dos Santos E, Gabriel O, Auguste A. Description of the cancer health services in Saint Lucia: diagnosis and treatment and pathways (DCAP)

Community Presentations

2021 World Cancer day Webinar: Auguste A, Phillip D. “Challenges and opportunities of access to Cancer health services by survivors in Saint Lucia”